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If you’d like to volunteer to lay trail please email the Hare Razor at
We generally Hash every other Saturday—late afternoon in warm months and early afternoon in cold months.
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#LakeLife Beerienteering
WHEN: 09/24/2022 at 02:50PM
WHERE: maxwell park, Boulder CO
Do you Remember? The 10th night of September?
WHEN: 09/10/2022 at 4:20pm
WHERE: North Boulder Park – NW Corner
Boulder Campout
WHEN: 08/12/2022 at 04:20PM
WHERE: Buffalo Creek (same area as 2021)
Bouldare Alley Beerienteering
WHEN: 08/03/2022 at 04:20PM
WHERE: 1021 Arapahoe Ave Parking
8th Anal Boulder Toga Hash
WHEN: 05/30/2022 at 10:00AM
WHERE: 2336 Goss St, Boulder
picaresque beerienteering
WHEN: 04/30/2022 at 02:30PM
WHERE: Chapman Drive Trailhead
WHEN: 04/20/2022 at 05:30PM
WHERE: 4825 W Moorhead Circle
The Seventh Anal Frozen Dead Guy Days Hash + Green Dress Run
WHEN: 03/19/2022 at 02:00PM
WHERE: Knotted Root Brewing Company
Shine On Memorial Hash
WHEN: 12/08/2021 at 06:30PM
WHERE: The Waterloo (Louisville)
Hallowiener Hash
WHEN: 10/31/2021 at 05:00PM
WHERE: The Ghost of Boulder Beer
Brrrggghhh Bash
WHEN: 09/25/2021 at 04:00PM
WHERE: Parking lot by Uhl’s/Blackbelly
#69 Dongmont Hash
WHEN: 06/12/2021 at 04:00PM
WHERE: Left Hand Creek Park
WHEN: 05/02/2021 at 01:00PM
WHERE: Flagstaff Mountain
Beerienteering a step by step guide, By Pee Pee McFarts
WHEN: 01/23/2021 at 01:00PM
WHERE: Trails above Boulder
Day of the Virgin Hash
WHEN: 12/12/2020 at 12:69pm
WHERE: Taco Bell