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Horny Hash Trail – BH3, March 22

That's right hashers!!! Saturday! Saturday! Saturday!!!! Saturday is a hashing day! The Horny Hash Trail brought to you by Brrrrgggggghhhhh and a mystery hare!  Unicorn? Bull? Wear your horns and show us all how horny you REALLY are! Date:  March 22Time:  3:00...

5th ANAL Boulder GDR

Due to conflict with Frozen Dead Guy Days the GDR date has changed to 15 March.What: Boulder 4th Anal Green Dress Run.When:  March 15th, at 3:30 pm.  Prelube at 3:00 pm.Where: The Pearl St. Pub in BoulderHares:  Pubic Enemy #1, Beano, and David CockerfieldHash Cash:...

Frozen Mardi Dead Hash Gras!

What: Frozen Dead Guy Days Hash!When: Sunday, March 9th at 11amWhere: Beautiful Nederland, Colorado. Meet at the Carousel of Happiness.Hares: Pippi Dong StalkerHash Cash: $5 and bring your ID!Bring: Your ID, clearly. Also, bring beads and boobs, virgins and dry socks....


Boulder ramp up to Mardi Gras hash! #695 What: It’s almost Mardi Gras so we should revel in debauchery.  When: Tomorrow, Saturday the 22nd at 3pm. Where: Iris Fields: 1536 Jennine Place Boulder, CO 80304 (basically, 16th and Iris)   Hares: It’s a...

[BH3] Race to the Altar Hash!

What: Race to the Altar Hash!  Chocolate Salty Balls and Love at First Lick with be getting Civil Unioned… Civil Unionized.. (Colorado Gay Married) on Valentine's Day!  Come and celebrate our last Saturday as single ladies!  When: This Saturday, February...


What:  Special Edition Boulder Hash – Let's have our own pre-game show before the game on Sunday and then convene to a bar to watch the game and devise creative ways for Bruno Mars to meet with an untimely but justifiable death during the half time show....