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Here is the latest on the new website things. Remember we are now at (not .org).



If you are laying trail, fill out the form at When you submit that form, your trail will automagically be posted to the BH3 website, emailed to the BH3 mailing list, tweeted to the BH3 Twitter, and posted to the BH3 Facebook Group within the hour. Additionally, you may manually create an event for the BH3 Facebook Group if you’d like. This isn’t instantaneous, so give it an hour before you pester the Hash Nerd with your woes.



If you have an announcment, submit it (just like I am now) at or email When you do either of those, your announcement will automagically be posted to the BH3 website and posted to the BH3 Facebook Group within the hour. Additionally, you may manually create an event for the BH3 Facebook Group if you’d like.

Use announcements for info about trails from other kennels, mis-management meetings, drinking practice, happy hours, song practice, curious visitors, etc. Basically, anything that isn’t a BH3 trail that you want to share with the ENTIRE group.

Keep in mind, this goes on the website, thus, it is public. So probably don’t include your real name or anything too raunchy, leave that to our private Facebook Group.



If you need to ask someone a question about God knows what, email A few mis-management peeps have access to that so they will get back to you.

You can also email mismanagement members directly with their position and (gm/ra/beermeister/songmeister/hashcash/harerazor/hashflash/haberdasher/hashho/hashtorian/ Or just check out mis-managment at for ther emails.



Check out our fancy new Hash Flash at If you have pictures you’d like to share email If you’d like an image removed please email the Hash Nerd at

Again, keep in mind, these pictures on the website are public. Leave the questionable ones to our private Facebook Group.



If you have perfected an original and/or adaption of a stolen song, you may share it on our Hymnal page at By submitting there, your new hymn will automagically be posted to the BH3 website and posted to the BH3 Facebook Group within the hour.



– Sign-up to the mailing list to be alerted about the next BH3 Trail:
– Follow our new Instagram account: @boulderh3 – – #BH3 (our encouraged hashtag)
– Follow our now updated Twitter account: @boulderh3 – – #BH3 (our encouraged hashtag)
– Join our private Facebook Group:
– If you’re a nerd, add our RSS feeds: (everything), (hashes), (announcements), (hymnal)



That’s all folks. I worked long and hard for 69 days to complete all this online stuff. There are still some changes to come (better mobile responsiveness and redirecting the old website/emails) and if I wasn’t in Boulder I wouldn’t have to worry about everyone knowing how to make websites and being super judgey about it. So be gentle–don’t treat me like Beano’s Mom.

TL;DR: All-American Cum Stain eats his boogers.

If you actually read this whole thing, I will give you a hug.


Liza’s Lady Dayz
Hash Nerd