What: It's a Hash! It's Boulder Hash #732. Y'all should know what to expect from Amber and Cockchester by now. Ten mile pavement pounder, no boob checks, high quality beer, etc…When: Saturday 3/28 @ 1:69 HST (aka 2:09pm)Where: Oskar Blues,...
Frozen Dead HashWhen: Sunday, 3/15/2015, 2pmWhere: Nederland, CO (straight up Boulder Canyon)meet at the Carasel of happiness, Carosil of happiness, corisal of happiness, caraway of happiness, parsal of happiness, karisil of happiness, korsica of happiness,...
Boulder Hash #729When: Sat, Feb 28. 2 pmStart : Bob Berger Rec Center, Lafayette, Co. back lot, the pavillion by the skate rink.Bring $5, cash and ID, shag bag, virginsHares: Muffet and Pod
What: It's the last party before Lent!! It's also a Tuesday night hash celebrating Mardi Gras, Boobies, King Cake, New Orleans, Beer, and Virgins, all with a Mexican twist. When: This Tuesday, February 17th at 6:30pm. Where: Start location is the top of the...