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BH3 #732 – Saturday 3/28 @ 1:69

What:  It's a Hash!  It's Boulder Hash #732.  Y'all should know what to expect from Amber and Cockchester by now.  Ten mile pavement pounder, no boob checks, high quality beer, etc…When:  Saturday 3/28 @ 1:69 HST (aka 2:09pm)Where:  Oskar Blues,...

BH3 #730 – Frozen Dead Hash – 3/15 @ 2pm

Frozen Dead HashWhen: Sunday, 3/15/2015, 2pmWhere: Nederland, CO (straight up Boulder Canyon)meet at the Carasel of happiness, Carosil of happiness, corisal of happiness, caraway of happiness, parsal of happiness, karisil of happiness, korsica of happiness,...

Boulder H3 Green Dress Hash! – 3/17 @ 5:69

What:  Boulder's Anal St. Patty's Day Green Dress HashWhen:  3/17 – Tuesday – St. Patrick's Day @ 5:69 HST (6:09 MST)Where:  The Attic – 949 Walnut St, Boulder – UpstairsHares:  Amber Alert and CockchesterHash Cash:  5 DollaBring:...

[BH3] Boulder H3 Green Dress Hash! – 3/17 @ 5:69

What:  Boulder's Anal St. Patty's Day Green Dress HashWhen:  3/17 – Tuesday – St. Patrick's Day @ 5:69 HST (6:09 MST)Where:  The Attic – 949 Walnut St, Boulder – UpstairsHares:  Amber Alert and CockchesterHash Cash:  5 DollaBring:...

BH3 #729 – Saturday 2/28 @ 2:00

Boulder Hash #729When: Sat, Feb 28. 2 pmStart : Bob Berger Rec Center, Lafayette, Co. back lot, the pavillion by the skate rink.Bring $5, cash and ID, shag bag, virginsHares: Muffet and Pod

[BH3] Mardi Gracias Hash: Fat Tuesday!! 2/17

What: It's the last party before Lent!! It's also a Tuesday night hash celebrating Mardi Gras, Boobies, King Cake, New Orleans, Beer, and Virgins, all with a Mexican twist. When: This Tuesday, February 17th at 6:30pm. Where: Start location is the top of the...