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Hash Story: 11/21, the Hometown Hash

The sun was high and so were many of the hounds. The trail was long and the cocks were not. The drinks were flowing and the titties were strapped in tight (much to Itches’s dismay). In short, it was a Boulder hash; in the fucking snow, on a fucking trail, on the...

Happy Hour TODAY!!!!

Join us at West Flanders on Pearl around 6-6:30 pm to partake in a beer or two……making sure Cockbuster drinks ten!!  Send him off with a hangover as he takes his FIRST international flight (to China) at 8:12 AM tomorrow!   Brrrgggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh
Hometown Hash

Hometown Hash

WHEN: 11/21/2015 at 01:30PM
WHERE: NCAR – National Cooter for Assmospheric Research

Holidaze and Payment

It’s November! Next month is December. Then, HOLIDAZE! This spreadsheet lists all the people who are planning to go, and there are only a few spaces left. So get it! Your adorable mismanagement has meet to organize the deets for this festivus; what we have come up...