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WHAT:  Thanksgiving Orphans’ Hash = Potluck Thanksgiving Dinner, Post-prandial hash, Football on giant TV etc.  Plenty of crash space + breakfast so no worries about driving home.

WHERE:  The dwelling of Mother Ducker & Jorgia OH! Queef in Lakewood, on the east side of Green Mountain.  See details below.

WHEN:  Thanksgiving Day (28 Nov).  Main Feast starts at 1:00 PM (Hash Time).  We’ll start cooking, drinking and snacking by 9:00 AM at the latest, so cum early!  We’ll party ‘til late so cum by even if you have to do dinner with the fam!

DOGS & KIDS:  Xtreme dog friendly!  Fenced back yard, dogs allowed in house, dogs allowed on furniture, leg-humping OK.  Kids welcome!  Bring your larvae!

DETAILS:  We’ll cook a big turkey and some other stuff.  It’ll help if you coordinate your contributions with the hares to avoid duplication, but if planning is a challenge just show-up and bring whatever.  We’ll have plenty of cheap beer but if you want something else then bring it.

HARES/QUESTIONS:  Mother Ducker:  303-845-2125,   Jorgia OH! Queef:  303-957-7945,

ADDRESS:  13421 West Ohio DRIVE, Lakewood CO, 80228.  Note that the DRIVE in the address is REALLY IMPORTANT!

D’ERECTIONS:  From Denver:  Take 6 west about 6 miles past I-25 to the Union/Simms exit.  Turn left onto Union Blvd & go 1.0 mile.  Turn right onto W. Alameda Pkwy & go 0.9 mi.  Turn right onto W. Ohio AVENUE & go 0.5 mi.  Turn left on Beech St.  Make immediate right onto West Ohio DRIVE.  It’s the first house on the right past the house on the corner.
From Boulder:  Take 93 South to Golden where you go east on US-6/E 6th Ave.  Go 6.4 mi east to the Union Blvd exit.  Turn right onto Union & go 1.0 mi.  Turn right onto W. Alameda Pkwy & go 0.9 mi.  Turn right onto W. Ohio AVENUE & go 0.5 mi.  Turn left on Beech St.  Make immediate right onto West Ohio DRIVE.  It’s the first house on the right past the house on the corner.